Thank you for visiting the Orange County Clerk of Courts my eClerk site. my eClerk allows you to access case records and documents remotely, without making a trip to the courthouse.
Some additional benefits of my eClerk include:
- Quickly and easily view all of your cases using the My Cases shortcut, which is available after logging in.
- Compatibility with mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, making information easy to access, even when out of the office.
- Expanded search capabilities that make it easier to locate case information.
Also, as an attorney, you have the option to gain increased access to cases on which you are an attorney of record. On cases where you are not an attorney of record, you will receive access consistent with that of the general public. In order to gain access, an attorney must register for an account using their Florida Bar number and submit a notarized form to the Clerk’s office for verification. To register, click here.
An attorney’s level of access will be reduced if either of the following occurs:
- If you are made inactive or removed from a case, you will lose Attorney of Record access to that particular case.
- If you are no longer a member in good standing with the Florida Bar, you will be prevented from logging into the system.
If you have questions about the site please review our FAQs or contact the Orange County Clerk of Courts at 407-836-2000.